Customer Testimonials

Hear are a few customer testimonials from the many we receive:

I do not know where to begin. My dear husband of 57 years died six months ago and I knew this move would be difficult especially since we built the house in Cornwall 36 years ago. Well, God sent me three angels and their names are Mike, Louis and Joe on November 4. They were the best and I really appreciated their kindness and patience with me. Everything went so smoothly and quickly.

-Anita Brean, Kent, CT

Daley’s has helped me move several times in several different states (New York, Florida, Virginia, and Connecticut) and I am delighted to recommend them as the best movers I’ve ever used! They go the extra mile every time to accommodate their customers and are the nicest people! They have well-trained, long-term employees who are loyal to them because as owners Gina and Jeff are loyal to their employees. I now count them as friends, not because I knew them before I used them, but because that’s how wonderful they really are!

-Dixie Reinhardt

Outstanding service, Great crew, Very courteous and helpful! Positive people.Good attitude.

-Leigh Hamilton, Winooski VT

Awesome Job! Great crew, every one of the crew was outstanding!

-Peter Oates

They were all very pleasant, patient and careful (which was so important to me) Thank you!!!

-Lynn K Musulin

I can’t say enough positive things about my moving experience with Daley. The guys were outstanding.

-Renee Merrell, Sharon, CT

The Daley Moving and Storage team is terrific from the personable, office staff who greet you on the phone right down to caring movers. The high quality service that you deliver with your family-owned and operated business brings real value in terms of pricing and customizing moving.

My husband and I have experienced a Daley move on two occasions, during our transition of selling and buying. The movers were on time, friendly, careful with our furniture and worked well as a team. Our furniture that we stored in temperature controlled vault was delivered in great condition.

Many of my Real Estate Clients have experienced excellent service from Daley.

Sharing with me stories of how the movers went out of their way to help…even climbing a ladder to place tall plantings on a loft landing!

I am happy to share your company with my Real Estate Clients when they ask for moving companies to quote their move. Thank you very much for all that you do to ensure top notch customer service, sending wishes for a successful 2015

-Diane Barry
Realtor, Berkshire Hathaway New England Properties – Avon Office